Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Film, Movie - Wild Hogs + Trailer

Plot: Woody (John Travolta), Doug (Tim Allen), Bobby (Martin Lawrence), and Dudley (William H. Macy), are four successful middle-aged suburban men, who find themselves frustrated with the pace of daily life. Their one collective dream has always been to become a group of bikers, and after some hesitation, they all decide to throw caution into the wind and go looking for adventure. All geared up, they hit the road on their Harley Davidsons, sometimes learning the ropes as they go along. The fun soon ends when the foursome stops at a small New Mexico bar and stumbles onto a real motorcycle gang called the Del Fuegos. When Del Fuegos leader Jack (Ray Liotta) decides to have some fun, the four friends must find a way to get out of their predicament.

Genres: adventure, comedy

Director: Walt Becker

Producers: Kristin Burr, Todd Lieberman, Brian Robbins, Amy Sayres, Sharla Sumpter, Michael Tollin

Written by Brad Copeland

Editor: Christopher Greenbury