Plot: Walter Sparrow (Jim Carrey) finds a book that seems to be based on his life. While reading the book, he comes across details of a murder that hasn't happened in real life yet; as a consequence, he becomes obsessed with the number twenty-three and its ambiguous involvement with the murder.
Genres: drama, mystery, thriller
Starring: Jim Carrey, Virginia Madsen, Logan Lerman, Danny Huston, Paul Butcher, Lynn Collins, Rhona Mitra
Director: Joel Schumacher
Producers: Beau Flynn, Fernley Phillips, Tripp Vinson
Written by Fernley Phillips
Official Website:
I saw the preview for this film, and was pleasantly surprised. Carrey's performance in a "smart" thriller neither overshadows nor draws away from the experience.
The concept, while not entirely concrete in its execution, is refreshing to experience in this sea of sequels, remakes, "homages" and pointless bio-pics.
Virginia Madsen is also quite good, though she never (in my mind) got better than her role in Candyman.
Now the director. Thank goodness Joel Schumacher got into something serious and original. I had nearly lost hope for the man after his horrific Batman & Robin, but his noir-comedy piece works excellently. The Fingerling sequences have a rely cool hazy-noir-comic look that I hope remains the same in the final release. Also, his use of colors - the reds, browns, and other dark tones set the mood really well, though that may be more to the credit of the production designer. And seeing Jim Carrey play both characters - the likable dogcatcher-family man and the hardcore, take no BS, sax-playin detective BELIEVABLY only reinforces his staying power as a legitimate actor.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Film, Movie - The Number 23 + Trailer
Posted by mosquito-genius at 6:03 AM
Labels: 2007, Danny Huston, drama, Jim Carrey, Logan Lerman, Lynn Collins, mystery, Paul Butcher, Rhona Mitra, thriller, Virginia Madsen
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