Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bug - Film, Moive - Trailer

Plot: The waitress Agnes (Ashley Judd), lives in fear of her violent ex-husband Jerry Goss (Harry Connick Jr.), who has been let out of jail. Agnes meets Gulf War veteran Peter (Michael Shannon) and they hole up together and he becomes her protector and lover. Peter begins to talk about the war in Iraq, UFOs, the Oklahoma City bombings, cult suicides, and then secret government experiment on soldiers, of which he believes he is a victim. His delusions infect Agnes and they are contending with an apparent infestation of microscopic bugs. Oddness darken into madness. Other characters include Agnes' lesbian friend and co-worker, played by Lynn Collins; and Peter's doctor, played by Brían F. O'Byrne. The story addresses issues of domestic violence, conspiracy theories, paranoia and schizophrenia.

Genres: drama, horror, thriller

Starring: Ashley Judd, Michael Shannon, Harry Connick Jr, Lynn Collins, Brían F. O'Byrne

Director: William Friedkin

Producers: Holly Wiersma, Kimberly C. Anderson, Gary Huckabay, Malcolm Petal

Written by Tracy Letts

Music by Brian Tyler

Distributed by Lions Gate Films (US), Maple Pictures (CAN), Lions Gate (UK), Metropolitan Filmexport (FRA)

Release dates: May 25, 2007(US), May 25, 2007 (Canada), 2007 (UK), February 21, 2007 (France)

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