Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Lookout - Film, Movie - Trailer

Plot: In it, Gordon-Levitt plays a young man named Chris Pratt who is left mentally and emotionally handicapped after a traumatic automobile accident. Living with his blind roommate (Daniels), he spends his days going to rehabilitation classes and his nights working for the local bank.

One night Chris is befriended by an old classmate named Gary (Goode), who quickly introduces him to a life of partying and enjoyment while increasingly involving him in a plan to take advantage of Chris's position at the bank.

Genres: crime, drama, thriller

Director: Scott Frank

Written by Scott Frank

Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeff Daniels, Matthew Goode

Music by James Newton Howard

Cinematography Alar Kivilo

Editor: Jill Savitt

Distributed by Miramax Films

Release date: March 30, 2007